Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Keep It For Myself

I Keep it For Myself
The hurt, the pain,
betrayal, and confusion, all that is gone
Poured out to the wind, carried off to the clouds
Mother nature cried tears for me
All that was left when washed away was the hope, peace, and focus...
I kept that

Blinded by guilt, fault, and finger-pointing,
Wide open eyes now read the stories through the lies,
Foolishness no longer abides, thanks for the lessons
You are the past, not my present, nor my future
Not easily broken, although to my knees I staggered,
Gathered a breath, and regained my composure
Learning grace under pressure
Faith under fire
And while I'd like to share,
I must keep it to myself.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

World at War (simple.)

There are days when I read the news and wonder how is it that we are allowed to destroy all that we touch? We are all capable of faulty judgment, and in the end we have to be willing to take accountability for all of our decisions. The economy, the violence, our relationships with others are all tied together. How will things appear to us when it is all said and done? Don't consider me hopeless or pessimistic. I take everything into account sometimes and just wonder.

In the end, there will be nothing left-
our children gone, a world bereft

Those sworn to protect, now the enemy
our innocent in deadly jeopardy,
how can we call for peace when the war is within-
our homes, families, in our children

Like a plague, we then spread to our so-called
And future hopes fall sick and die

To move forward we must step back
End every and all senseless attack
We've corrupted our own and created mutated disease

Apathy, hatred, arrogance, and greed

When Mother Earth tires of this battling family
When God cleanses this filth of her embittered body

She will start anew
Begin again a whole new body

Of work, of art, of life and love
Where the favored are all
none placed above

Hopeless right now
Faithless the rest

Seamless the fabric of a new world is rent

past mistakes corrected, future lessons learned
old plagues of before, that blood is no longer born

Assumptions of old, left to the past
Step off the pedestal
conceited superiority never meant
to be eternal

One world, one nation,
all pieces brought back together

When nothing is left
When nothing is felt
When all hope is gone
When the smoke clears
The slate wiped clean
stripped of our fears

Barren lands made fertile by tears
washed away poisons
washed away years

Destiny inescapable
Hope immeasurable